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Charisse Melo

    Charrisse Melo is a nurse who is not afraid to try something new. When she arrived in the UK in 2005 where she started in Elderly Medicine. She has then accumulated experience in Emergency Assessment, Accident and Emergency, Bed Flow Management, Ambulatory Care, and Cardiac Catheter Laboratory. At the moment, Charrisse is a Haematology Specialist Nurse in the Non-Malignant side. She previously worked at The Philipine General Hospital where she earned her experiences as a well-rounded nurse.

    Charrisse is based in Luton and has been active in her filipino community, The United Filipino Community in Luton , holding a post as the Vice Chairman. She is also currently a committee member of the BAME staff network in her trust , The Luton and Dunstable Bedfordshire Hospitals. 

    She is known as the “Ate Cha” to the new generation of nurses in her trust. Always jolly in nature, accommodating and helpful, she offers help generously to anyone who comes to her.

    She strongly believe in advocacy and has been doing this for her patients and others as well.



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