Midwifery in the United Kingdom

Midwifery Webinar (Series 2)
Topic: Registration in the UK as a Midwife
Time: Nov 27, 2021 11:00 AM London
With almost 300-participants, the Midwifery Webinar Series 2 was an international success. Attendees were recorded at 265 from at least 10-different countries.
The webinar was attended by participants from Nigeria, Brazil, Ghana, Italy, Greece, Spain, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iran, UK and the Philippines.
PNA UK Chairman Oliver Soriano moderated the Webinar alongside the other members of the PNA UK who coordinated the webinar, which was equally supported by the other Nursing Association Diaspora.
The Webinar had Prof. Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent, Chief Midwifery Officer for England and Felipe Castro Cardona National Midwifery International Recruitment Advisor as main guests with Jack Bland, Head of Testing Services NMC, Aine Mcnamara and Moira Sweeney - OSCE Lead Trainers from Ulster University giving their invaluable tips.
The Webinar can be viewed here (6gb, 1hr 35 minutes long): MIDWIFERY WEBINAR 2