13 October 2020. London, United Kingdom. Well loved and passionate British hailed as “Pinoy at heart” has just become the official Philippine Nurses Association of United Kingdom Ambassador of Goodwill. Malcolm Conlan who is married to a Filipina is an avid supporter of anything Filipino. His passion for the Philippines and its people has earned him the moniker of being more Filipino than any Filipinos having strongly advocated for various issues relating to the Philippines.
Having work in the healthcare service, pusong pinoy Malcolm is no stranger to the healthcare environment and have numerous Filipino nurses and other allied healthcare profession as friends. The Philippine Nurses Association of UK (PNA UK) being the leading Professional Organization of Philippine Nurses in the United Kingdom and with a mission to be the advocate and leading voice of Philippine Nurses in the United Kingdom, have recognized Mr. Conlan’s strong Philippine advocacy and passion for the rights and welfare of the Filipino nurses. In a unanimous committee meeting, the PNA UK charity organization have decided to confer the honorary title of Ambassador of Goodwill to Mr. Malcolm Conlan in recognition for his passionate and zealous love of the Philippine people, which majority are nurses in the United Kingdom. As an Ambassador of Goodwill of PNA UK, he will echo the sentiments of the Philippine Nurses and help bring forward the collective cause of Philippine Nurses in the UK.